- The objective of the Department of Assamese is to provide quality education .
- The Provide Knowledge of Assamese language and literature among the students .
- Introduce to the basic concepts of about the Assamese Culture , various tribes in Assam .
- The main Vision &Mission of the department is to build up the future generation as moral and value based citizen so that they can be competent enough to complete in the Modern age.
- To Provide Opportunity for Quality higher Education and transform them into productive human resources.
- The department also maintains an educational and professional atmosphere in which every students gets assurance of their employment in the near future .
- To help the students to pursue their higher education research in Assamese language &literature .
The department of Assamese is one of the most important department in Nabajyoti College , Assamese being the state language is introduced in the institution as a Compulsory subject.
At Present there are Five faculty in the department .The department introduce a major subject in Assamese 1985.Though the college is situated in a minority area ,all the learners in the institution have accepted Assamese as their ownmedium .Apart from the department of Assamese also has a library of its own where sufficient numbers of reference books are available for the Teachers &Students.The department holds Seminars and class tests from time for the benefits of the students and the response of them is highly encouranging.The Department of Assamese have a Two museum .
Departmental Creative Work
- The Department of Assamese has been publishing a Departmental journal ‘ PragyanSetu”yearly where the students Are given chance to blossom their hiddencreative talants.
- The Department of Assamese has been published Hand Written Magazine named “ Kasiwali”published in every year .
- Moreover, a wall Magazine named ‘Kalpa’has also been published every year.
Opportunity ;
- Scope for language and cultural studies of different tribes of Assam.
- Scope for introducing new course.
- Encouranging students for competive exam and higher education.
- It is challenge to generate interest of students who come from socio- economic background .
- More placements for students after completing their studies.
B. A. in Assamese (Honours and Regular)
CBCS Course which was operational till 2022 under affiliation from Gauhati University.
FYUGP under affiliation from Gauhati University for 2023 Batch.
FYUGP under affiliation from Bhattadev University from 2024 Batch.
B.A Assamese (Honours) Syllabus (CBCS)
B.A FYUGP (GU) Assamese Syllabus
B.A. FYUGP (BU) Assamese Syllabus

Syeda Hamida Khatun
Associate professor & HoD
Specialization- Assamese Language
Email-id: syedahamidakhatun009@gmail.com
Contact No- 9706416497

Dr Neetu Saharia
Assistant Professor
Specialization- Assamese Literature
Mail-id: sahariyaneetu@gmail.com
Contact No- 9854489432

Nayan mani Devi
Assistant Professor
Specialisation- Literature Group A
Mail-id: nayanmanidevi13@gmail.com
Contact No- 8724952754

Dr Malabika Baglari
Assistant Professor
Specialization- Assamese Literature
Mail-id: baglarimalabika49@gmail.com
Contact No-9101430012

Meghalee Morang
Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.A.
Specialization: Assamese Literature
Phone Number: 7002501838
E-mail Address:meghaleemorang@gmail.com