Overview of the Dept. of English, Nabajyoti College.

 The Department of English of Nabajyoti College was established since the inception of the college, i.e., in 1971. Upto 1984, there were three regular teachers in the Department. The department was full-fledged in the year 1991. The major course was introduced in the department in the year 1989. Every year, the students from this department come out with flying colours in their final examinations. They had been getting admission to their higher education in the different prestigious universities of the country. This year, in 2024, one of the passed out student has got admission in Jamia Milia Islamia university in Delhi. Many passed-out students have been serving in the different fields of the state as well as the country.

At present, the department is mended by five regular faculties, which makes the department a fully-fledged one. The department is running B. A/B.Sc. courses of both Major and Minor students. The Major courses of 1st semester FYUGP are affiliated with Bhattadev University and there are 50 numbers of students enrolled in total. And the 3rd (FYUGP) and 5thsemester (CBCS) courses are being conducted at Gauhati University. Apart from B. A/B.Sc. Major and general courses, the department also conducts classes for H.S. 1st and 2nd-year students in both the Arts and Science streams.

Sahabuddin Khan

Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.A.
Phone Number: 9435456523

Masood Hassan

Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.A.
Phone Number: 9864756488

Puja Ghosh

Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.A.
Specialization: Language and Linguistics
Phone Number: 9101625887
E-mail address: ghoshpujaa1111@gmail.com

Kaberi Sonowal

Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.A., M.Phil
Specialization: Indian Writing in English
Phone Number: 8133944120
E-mail Address: kaberisonowal77@gmail.com

Abu Sayad Rofi

Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.A.
Specialization: Literary Theory and Criticism
Phone Number: 9706039019
E-mail Address: Sayad94.as@gmail.com